Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual (Common Notions) pdf download (by Strike Debt)

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For debtors everywhere who want to understand how the system really works, this handbook provides practical tools for fighting debt in its most exploitative forms. Over the last 30 years as wages have stagnated across the country, average household debt has more than doubled. Increasingly, people are forced to take on debt to meet their needs; from housing to education and medical care. The results wrecked lives, devastated communities, and an increasing reliance on credit to maintain basic living standards reveal an economic system that enriches the few at the.
The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual (Common Notions) book
The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual (Common Notions) download
The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual (Common Notions) book series pdf
The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual (Common Notions) pdf download

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